Category: General

Patriotic Books for Toddlers

Parents are their children's most important role models—and reading aloud is the most important thing a parent can do to prepare a child for reading and learning. Here are a few great seasonal books for this time of year.

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Nancy Perez: Sixpence Parent Educator

Nancy Perez was introduced to Sixpence as a teenager when pregnancy complications forced her to drop out of school. Through Sixpence, she discovered her passion for early chlidhood education, and now is a Sixpence parent educator. She was the first parent educator in Nebraska to receive a perfect score on the HoVRS, which the University of Nebraska Medical Center administers to evaluate parent coaches and they support they give.

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Early Experiences Shape Brain Architecture

Babies are born ready to learn. At birth, the brain contains about 100 billion neurons that are connected by synapses carrying electrochemical signals in response to stimuli from the world around us. During the earliest years, those synapses are firing at an astonishing rate, and they become the neural foundation upon which everything else is built.

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