Recursos Resumen tematico de FFN: Mejorar el acceso, la asequibilidad y las estabilidad del cuidado infantil en el Fondo de Desarrollo y Cuidado Infantil (CCDF) [PDF descarga] Diapositivas de la llamada Zoom de FFN sobre el borrador del plan estatal del CCDF [PDF...
Category: Quality
First 5 reasons Nebraska child care providers deserve our appreciation and support
Nebraska child care providers play a crucial role in nurturing and shaping the lives of young children in their care, and their unwavering support makes an immense contribution to the healthy development of the next generation. Providers approach their work with...
Thriving Children conference draws early childhood, community leaders from across the state
Last week, First Five Nebraska joined the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Nebraska Departments of Education and Economic Development, Nebraska Economic Developers Association and a wide array of early childhood organizations and community groups in...
First 5 things to know about early brain development
The critical role access to affordable, quality child care plays in parents’ ability to work and communities to flourish has been at the forefront of the public conversation in Nebraska and the nation recently. While we need to pay attention to the immediate urgency...
School Readiness Tax Credit would recognize, support child care providers
LB754, the Child Care Tax Credit Act (formerly LB318), is on Select File, the second of three rounds of debate in the Nebraska Legislature. It includes a provision to reinstate the School Readiness Tax Credit Act, which would provide tax credits for eligible child...
Celebrate We Care for Kids Week with us!
September 26 through October 2 is We Care for Kids Week, a statewide celebration to raise awareness for quality early childhood education and build support for early childhood educators. It’s an opportunity to inform, motivate and engage Nebraskans across the state....
New calculator shows how child care costs affect families
At First Five Nebraska, we are often asked, “What does the average Nebraska family pay for child care?” And as much as we’d like to give a single number, the truth is that the child care market is complex, and the price families pay for child care depends on several...
We Care for Kids campaign launches across Nebraska
It’s the role of parents to ensure their children benefit from safe, loving and stimulating experiences to help them learn and grow. That’s true whether they are being cared for at home with family, with a neighbor or in another setting. It’s also true that a great...
New video: Funding child care efforts in McCook with LB840
McCook is leading the charge in innovative programs to boost early childhood quality and access through Local Option Municipal Economic Development Funds, known as LB840. Passed by the Nebraska Legislature in 1991, LB840 authorized cities and villages to collect and...
Boone Beginnings—A community celebration of quality child care
At the open house and celebration of Boone Beginnings in Albion on November 7, I realized something: I miss the power of celebrating the completion of a major community project. As a former economic development director, I experienced the opportunities of seeing...
Becky Veak retires from FFN
Editor’s Note: Becky Veak retired at the end of August after a career advancing public policy that ranged from the Nebraska Legislature to Capitol Hill and state government to becoming the founding director of First Five Nebraska. We offer her our heartfelt thank you...
Resource helps new and expectant parents guide children’s early development
Learning Begins at Birth, an updated guide for new and expectant parents is being distributed statewide through Nebraska birthing hospitals, WIC and public health centers, nonprofits, home-visiting initiatives and other organizations. It’s available in English,...