Tag: high-quality early childhood education

Flexibility Matters

Home child care providers, child care centers, Head Start programs, school-based preschools, faith-based programs and others all have a place in ensuring that Nebraska's children at risk have access to quality opportunities during their earliest years.

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Teacher Quality Matters

Broad consensus exists that teacher quality matters—teacher quality makes a difference in our K-12 system and it makes a difference in our colleges and universities. But nowhere does teacher quality have a greater impact than with our youngest children. 

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Early Childhood Highlights from Nebraska’s 2015 Legislative Session

Balancing a wide variety of public interests and with great bipartisan support, the Nebraska Legislature again recognized the critical importance of children’s early years prior to adjourning the 2015 legislative session on May 29.  Of preeminent importance to First Five Nebraska is public policy that recognizes the development of the brain in the early years literally shapes the learning capacity for the rest of a child’s life. Here's a summary of our highest priority bills from the 2015 legislative session.

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