The Nebraska Child Care Cost Model, a new tool developed in collaboration with First Five Nebraska and Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies (P5FS), examines how the expense of delivering high-quality child care services relates to the actual revenue earned by providers....
Tag: State Senator Wendy DeBoer
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LB114 would increase federal funding for home visiting in NE
Kelly Crane has worked in the field of prevention and child welfare for more than 20 years and is the state policy specialist for Prevent Child Abuse America, a national organization dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect. Healthy Families America is their...
Home visiting strengthens the well-being of Nebraska families, children
State Senator Wendy DeBoer, District 10, introduced LR367, an interim study examining home visiting for Nebraska families, during the 2022 legislative session. She testified on LR367 at a hearing before the Nebraska Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee on...