Legislative Watchlist

State senators convened January 8 for their 90-day First Session of the 109th Nebraska Legislature. Bills related to early childhood issues are detailed below on First Five Nebraska’s Legislative Watchlist. 

LB13 | Require Department of Health and Human Services to file a state plan amendment relating to child care


FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh (Dist. 6)
Co-Sponsors Sen. Danielle Conrad (Dist. 46); Sen Bob Hallstrom (Dist. 1)
Summary LB13 adjusts the reimbursement for services provided by the Child Care Subsidy program to pay providers based on enrollment instead of attendance.
Amendments AM34, AM249, AM516
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Jan. 22, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB22 | Allow Medicaid billing for evidence-based nurse home visiting services


FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. George Dungan (Dist. 26)
Co-Sponsors Sen. Danielle Conrad (Dist. 46)
Summary LB22 allows providers of evidence-based nurse home visiting to bill Medicaid for their services using targeted case management as the billing code.
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Jan. 23, 2025
Amendment(s) AM102, AM258, AM348
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB41 | Increase access to prenatal screenings


FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Merv Riepe (Dist. 49)
Co-Sponsors Sen. Dan Quick (Dist. 35)
Summary LB41 updates Nebraska’s existing statute for prenatal screens for syphilis from one screening in the first trimester, to the best practice of two additional screenings (at the third trimester and at delivery) to address Nebraska’s 1,100% increase in rates of congenital syphilis, or babies being born with syphilis.
Amendment(s) AM62, ER11
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Jan. 23, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB51 | Adopt the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact


FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Teresa Ibach (Dist. 44)
Summary LB51 signs Nebraska onto the National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact. The Compact better facilitates federal and interstate background checks, making the process more efficient for professions with background check requirements, including child care.
Committee Judiciary
Hearing Jan. 22, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB71 | Change requirements for child care reimbursement rates
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Wendy DeBoer (Dist. 10)
Co-Sponsors Sen. Jane Raybould (Dist. 28); Sen. Danielle Conrad (Dist. 46)
Summary LB71 would change the starting level at which tiered reimbursement for child care subsidy in Step Up to Quality begins from Step 3 to Step 2.
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Jan. 23, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB74 | Authorize certain expenditures under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Megan Hunt (Dist. 8)
Co-Sponsors Sen. Danielle Conrad (Dist. 46); Sen. Jane Raybould (Dist. 28)
Summary LB74 expands permissible campaign expenditures for public officials, including child care services incurred while carrying out the duties of the public office.
Committee Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
Hearing February 6, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB94 | Adopt the Digital Skills Empowerment Act and change the use of the Workforce Development Program Cash Fund
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Terrell McKinney (Dist. 11)
Summary LB94 establishes a grant program to provide digital skills training and apprenticeships in qualified census tracts. The grant program covers child care expenses for participants who receive training leading to a digital skills certification.
Committee Business and Labor
Hearing February 3, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB95 | Child care subsidy eligibility for the early childhood workforce
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. John Fredrickson (Dist. 20)
Co-Introducers Sen. Danielle Conrad (Dist. 46)
Summary LB95 creates a three-year pilot program making the child care workforce eligible for the federal child care subsidy program if their income is at or below 85% of the state median income. This pilot program is set to commence on October 1, 2025, and conclude on September 30, 2028. Eligible households must include a member employed in the child care industry for at least 20 hours per week. Nebraska DHHS is tasked with submitting annual reports to the Legislature from December 1, 2026, to December 1, 2028, detailing program participation and expenditures.
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Feb. 12, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB104 | Defining evidence-based home visiting in Nebraska statute
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Jane Raybould (Dist. 28)
Co-Sponsors Sen. Danielle Conrad (Dist. 46)
Summary LB104 defines evidence-based home visiting services in statute and calls on Nebraska DHHS to offer annual reports from 2026 to 2028 on the use and impact of state funds for home visitation programs. These programs are designed to support families with children age 5 or younger and pregnant individuals through voluntary home visits. The primary objective is to enhance the health, well-being and self-sufficiency of parents and their children. 
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Feb. 7, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB153 | Extension of postpartum coverage
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Dunixi Guereca  (Dist. 7)
Co-Sponsors Sen. Jane Raybould (Dist. 28)
Summary LB153 calls on Nebraska DHHS to submit a state plan amendment to CMS for a Health Services Initiative to offer at least six months postpartum coverage for mothers who receive their prenatal care through the “unborn child” option in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing March 14, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB157 | Adopt the Child Care Tax Credit Act
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Danielle Conrad  (Dist.46)
Co-Sponsors Sen. John Fredrickson (Dist. 20); Sen. Jane Raybould (Dist. 28)
Summary LB157 provides a $1,000 refundable credit per child who is six years old or younger at the end of the taxable year for taxpayers claiming them as a dependent. The bill lowers the amount which can be claimed, depending on income.
Committee Revenue
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB161 | Redefine formula students under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Margo Juarez  (Dist. 5)
Summary LB161 makes changes to the school aid formula to provide a higher weight on prekindergarten students from .6 to 1.0 per prekindergarten student
Committee Education
Hearing Feb. 10, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB162 | Adopt the Child Care and Safety Act
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Margo Juarez  (Dist. 5)
Co-Sponsors Sen. Danielle Conrad (Dist. 46)
Summary LB162 facilitates the establishment of community-based partnerships to provide safety and reunification procedures for early childhood programs. The bill includes grants to participating communities to operate an emergency response notification system, emergency preparedness training, and materials related to safety and reunification procedures.
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Jan 29, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB182 | Change provisions relating to the Affordable Housing Tax Credit and the Child Care Tax Credit Act
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Eliot Bostar (Dist. 29)
Co-Introducers Sen. Bob Hallstrom (Dist. 1)
Summary LB182 makes insurance companies and banks eligible for the Nebraska Child Care Tax Credit when they make qualifying financial contributions to support our state’s child care infrastructure. The legislation clarifies language in the Child Care Tax Credit Act passed in 2023.
Committee Revenue
Hearing Jan. 24, 2025
Amendment(s) AM106, ST2
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB189 | Adopt the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh (Dist. 6)
Summary LB189 creates the Nebraska Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act utilizing funds from the Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund. Paid family and medical leave means leave taken by a covered individual for a qualifying reason. Those reasons may include caring for a new child, a family member, or a covered service member who is next of kin. Additional reasons may include serious health conditions or pregnancy. The maximum amount of leave shall be 10 weeks consecutive, or 60 work days if intermittent.
Committee Business and Labor
Hearing Mar. 17, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB224 | Require paid maternity leave for state employees
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Dunixi Guereca (Dist. 7)
Summary LB224 entitles State of Nebraska employees up to 12 weeks of paid maternity leave for the birth of a child or when a worker assumes a parental role with respect to the child.
Committee Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
Hearing Feb. 21, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB248 | Exempt certain programs from child care licensing requirements
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Rita Sanders (Dist. 45)
Summary LB248 exempts from state licensing requirements child care programs on a military base or federal property, as well as programs licensed as a family child care provider by the military.
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Feb. 5, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB264 | Provide, change, and eliminate transfers from the Cash Reserve Fund and various other funds, etc.
FFN Position Oppose
Introducer NE Speaker Sen. John Arch (Dist. 14) — at the request of the Governor
Summary LB264 is the cash funds budget bill. The bill sweeps $3,250,000 from the Early Childhood Education Endowment Cash Fund, which supports the Sixpence program.
Committee Appropriations
Hearing Feb. 18, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB274 | Change requirements under the Child Care Licensing Act for liability insurance coverage and inspections and investigations
FFN Position Neutral
Introducer Sen. Megan Hunt (Dist. 8)
Summary LB274 requires licensed child care providers to hold at least $200,000 of liability insurance coverage per occurrence, up from the current $100,000 required in statute. The bill gives licensees 3 business days to obtain liability insurance if a lapse is discovered at inspection and clarifies liability insurance requirements.
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Feb. 5, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB283 | Require the Department of Health and Human Services to implement express lane eligibility
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Ashlei Spivey (Dist. 13)
Co-Sponsors Sen. Danielle Conrad (Dist. 46)
Summary LB283 calls for NDHHS to submit state plan amendments to CMS for Medicaid and CHIP recipients to implement express lane eligibility. Express lane eligibility is when data from one assistance program is utilized to determine eligibility for another program. In LB283, information from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) could be used to determine eligibility for Medicaid or CHIP.
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing March 13, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB304 | Eliminate a sunset date for the federal Child Care Subsidy program
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Wendy DeBoer (Dist. 10)
Co-Sponsors Sen. Danielle Conrad (Dist. 46)
Summary LB304 maintains child care subsidy income eligibility levels enacted into law in 2021. Initial income eligibility up to 185% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and transitional eligibility up to 200% FPL would be maintained. If no change is made, on Oct. 1, 2026, eligibility for the federal child care assistance program will revert to pre-income eligibility expansion levels of 130% FPL for initial eligibility and up to 185% FPL for transitional eligibility.
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Feb. 6, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB339 | Require Nebraska DHHS to report on federal Child Care Subsidy program
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Bob Hallstrom (Dist. 1)
Summary LB339 requires the Department of Health and Human Services to provide a summary report of claims reimbursed for each licensed child care provider in the previous calendar year. The report is due by February 1 each year.
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Feb. 6, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB346 | Change qualifications of the State Capitol Administrator, provide for termination of boards, commissions, committees, etc.
FFN Position Oppose
Introducer NE Speaker Sen. John Arch (Dist. 14) — at the request of the Governor
Summary LB346 changes or removes the powers, duties, and membership of boards, commissions and other committees, including the Early Childhood Interagency Coordinating Council. The bill would remove agency representatives and reduce its membership to 11 members.
Committee Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
Hearing Feb. 13, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB363 | Adopt the Apprenticeship Grant Act
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Teresa Ibach (Dist. 44)
Summary LB363 creates an apprenticeship grant program for individuals on economic assistance, which would include early childhood apprentices who qualify.
Committee Business and Labor
Hearing Feb. 10, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB442 | Establish a state child care subsidy program
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Ashlei Spivey (Dist. 13)
Summary LB442 establishes a state child care subsidy program and provides for a payroll tax for funding the program.
Committee Health and Human Services
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB446 | Change provisions related to release of health data and statistical research information
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Dunixi Guereca (Dist. 7)

LB446 opens up Nebraska’s vital statistics statute (71-602) to make three changes:

  1. Allow a statewide quality improvement collaborative to have access to the aggregate, deidentified data;
  2. Create a clear and expedient process for researchers to apply to access the data, and;
  3. Codify the existing vital statistics dashboard and call for its annual updating.
Committee Health and Human Services
Hearing Feb. 27, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB457 | Require anaphylaxis policies for school districts and licensed child care facilities, limit payment required for epinephrine injectors
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Eliot Bostar (Dist. 29)
Summary LB457 requires early childhood programs to adopt an anaphylaxis policy if they are caring for a child with a known food allergy. Programs have the option of adopting a model policy to be developed by the state.
Committee Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee
Hearing Feb. 10, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB583 | Change provisions relating to the rate and disbursement of the documentary stamp tax, the Child Care Grant Fund, child care grants, the Military Installation Development and Support Fund, the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, the Innovation Hub Cash Fund, the Economic Recovery Contingency Fund, and the Health Care Homes for the Medically Underserved Fund
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Ashlei Spivey (Dist. 13)
Summary L.B. 583 increases the documentary stamp tax to $3.30 per $1,000 of real estate value and distributes the additional revenue to several funds including: child care, military support, innovation hubs, federally quality health centers as well as investments in existing funds.
Committee Revenue Committee
Hearing Feb. 21, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  


LB652 | Terminate the Board of Educational Lands and Funds
FFN Position Oppose
Introducer Sen. Ben Hansen (Dist. 16)
Summary LB 652 terminates the Board of Educational Lands and Funds
Committee Education
Hearing Mar. 10, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB670 | Require schools to adopt a safety plan and provide and change requirements related to training for staff of child care and schools
FFN Position Oppose
Introducer Sen. Dave Murman (Dist. 38) — at the request of the Governor
Summary LB670 reduces annual inservice training requirements for licensed child care providers from at least four hours to no more than four hours.
Committee Education
Hearing Feb. 4, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  
LB710 | Increase the earned income tax credit
FFN Position Support
Introducer Sen. Eliot Bostar (Dist. 29)
Co-Sponsors Sen. Danielle Conrad (Dist. 46)
Summary LB710 increases the rate at which Nebraska matches the federal earned income tax credit from 10% to 20%
Committee Revenue
Hearing Feb. 19, 2025
1. Introduced 6. Engrossment
2. In Committee 7. Final Reading
3. General File 8. Passed
4. Enrollment & Review 9. Signed into Law
5. Select File  